Map of spatial analogues

Map of spatial analogues

Similar colors in the legend indicate that analogues are in the same location.

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Analogue list
GCMGHGYearLatitudeLongitudeCorrespondence PlotDistance Plot
Baseline none 2000 1.02 34.81
cccma_cgcm2 B2a 2020s 0.98 34.81 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 B2a 2020s 1.02 34.85 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 B2a 2020s 1.31 35.31 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
cccma_cgcm2 B2a 2050s 0.98 34.85 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 B2a 2050s 0.4 35.6 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 B2a 2050s 1.27 34.94 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
cccma_cgcm2 B2a 2080s 1.27 34.94 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 B2a 2080s 0.27 35.65 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 B2a 2080s 1.35 34.85 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
cccma_cgcm2 A2a 2020s 0.98 34.81 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 A2a 2020s 1.02 34.85 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 A2a 2020s 1.31 35.31 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
cccma_cgcm2 A2a 2050s 1.27 34.98 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 A2a 2050s 0.4 35.6 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 A2a 2050s 1.31 35.02 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
cccma_cgcm2 A2a 2080s 0.98 35.6 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
csiro_mk2 A2a 2080s 0.85 34.4 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances
hccpr_hadcm3 A2a 2080s 1.4 34.73 Correspondence plot Distance map Google Earth distances

Context graphs (Base vs. analogue locations)

Aridity index

Potential yield of rainfed banana

Potential yield of rainfed cassava

Potential yield of rainfed citrus

Potential yield of rainfed cocoa

Potential yield of rainfed coconut

Potential yield of rainfed coffee

Potential yield of rainfed cotton

Potential yield of rainfed cow pea

Potential yield of rainfed gram

Potential yield of rainfed groundnut

Potential yield of rainfed maize

Potential yield of rainfed oilpalm

Potential yield of rainfed pearl millet

Potential yield of rainfed phaseolus bean

Potential yield of rainfed pigeon pea

Potential yield of rainfed sorghum

Potential yield of rainfed soybean

Potential yield of rainfed sugarcane

Potential yield of rainfed sweet potato

Potential yield of rainfed wheat

Potential yield of rainfed white potato

Potential yield of rainfed yam cocoyam


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The search for analogues was based on the 'climate distance' method. This method finds the point on the target grid whose climate is most similar to the base grid at the sampled position. This means that for each grid cell of the target grids, and for each climate metric, the (absolute) difference between the base and target values is calculated. These values are then normalized by, in this case, the median of the population of distances over all cells of the target grids (there are other options). Distances of all included climate metrics are then weighted according to user specified weights (see table below) and added up, resulting in one distance value. The grid cell with the minimum distance value is then identified as the analogue location.

Weight list
Climate metricShort nameJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
Mean monthly Precipitation P_m_me 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Mean monthly Maximum temperature MX_m_me 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mean monthly Minimum temperature MI_m_me 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1